#42 - Beyond Access

Edition #42 of the Lighthouse miniLetter!

You'll always get:

  • Three examples of great screenwriting

  • Two quotes about storytelling

  • One thing to think about

Plus some fun links at the bottom.

Three examples of great screenwriting

The Disaster Artist

Written by Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber

Tommy’s intro. Look at all the ways this passage points to something, but is constantly unable to access it.

“The man called Tommy…” adds mystery to his name.

“…channeling, well, something.”

“French, German, Eastern European - impossible to tell.”

Two “maybes” at the end, and then “Anything is possible right now.”

Constant questions, and never a clear articulation. Tommy now seems beyond access to even this screenplay that’s about him, and therefore, to us. Brilliant work.

Ozark (Pilot)

Written by Bill Dubuque

Great interplay here between the V.O. and what we’re seeing. It’s not on the nose, and the two narratives sort of intertwine, sometimes intersecting at specific points, then veering away, then intersecting again.

Sedalia (Pilot)

Written by Lisa Jay

This passage is a great example of simple and clear screenwriting.

Adjectives only when needed.

Vibes only when needed.

The pace is effortlessly quick.

And it builds to single exciting climactic moment.

Wonderful cold open. If I had the space, I’d share in its entirety. It’s all this good.

Two quotes about screenwriting

Creatively, editing was the most painful part of the process for me.
— Desiree Akhavan
I’m always interested in how people use language to not say what they mean.
— Greta Gerwig

One thing to think about

What do you want to do next year?

This one’s a bit obvious this time of year.

So I’ll throw something in the mix.

Why do you want to do what you want to do next year?

Think about that. And be honest.

When your willpower is low, this is what can help get you through.



Have a great draft,

David Wappel

PS Don’t Miss


#43 - Repair, Reinforce, Rebuild


#41 - This Draft