#38 - Rituals

Edition #38 of the Lighthouse miniLetter!

You'll always get:

  • Three examples of great screenwriting

  • Two quotes about storytelling

  • One thing to think about

Plus some fun links at the bottom.

Three examples of great screenwriting

Gilmore Girls (Pilot)

Written by Amy Sherman-Palladino

Your voice isn’t just in your characters. It’s everywhere.

The Exorcist

Screenplay by William Peter Blatty

I love how technical this passage is.

Instead of “back to normal” it’s “recomposed.”

Instead of “blood pressure cuff” it’s “sphygmanometer”

Instead of “back of her leg” it’s “Achilles tendon.”

These are professionals.

Also, I just noticed now while typing this up: the colons after the character dialogue. Interesting.

I don’t know what to make of it. But interesting nonetheless.

Magical Negro (Pilot)

Written by Sam Watson

A few things I like about Watson’s work here.

Firstly, this is a montage, but it’s not just individual images. Each section is its own little mini-scene with likely a few shots. I really like how Watson demarcates these with numbers. They act sort of like a mini-slugline, cueing me to a separate instance, but without taking up space or their

Secondly, I like the repetition of “throws CASH” that helps tie all these vignettes together, showing the reaction of Izara and Ezra’s customers.

Some slick work in a really thoughtful script.

Two quotes about screenwriting

Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.
— Billy Wilder
I avoid listening to too many people’s comments about my script. I have learned to take in what is of use. It’s too frustrating looking at somebody’s notes who didn’t get what you were doing. If somebody says, ‘This stinks, and here are all the reasons,’ that’s not going to help you.
— Melissa Mathison

One thing to think about

What are your pre-game rituals?

Most professional athletes have a very specific pre-game rituals.

And while some of them might just be superstitious, most of them develop these to get into a very targeted mindset.

They cue their bodies and their brains for gametime.

For focus. For success.

What can you do that primes you for a productive session?

A few that I’ve done throughout the years:

  • light a candle

  • one page of longhand freewriting about what I want to accomplish that session

  • boil water, grind beans, prepare a single cup of French press coffee

  • speak aloud the prologue of Henry V

Strangely, the actions of the ritual itself aren’t as important as the repetition of doing them before each session.

What are your pre-game rituals?

Have a great draft,

David Wappel

PS Don’t Miss


#39 - Isolation


#37 - Last Pages